Moderation policy

This online challenge allows you the opportunity to post comments that will remain publicly viewable on this website. The site therefore operates a moderation policy to ensure that comments are appropriate and not harmful to others. Moderation is performed by Fife Council who will be responsible for moderation in accordance with the terms set out below.

Comments which include any of the following may be deleted:

  • Threats or incitements to violence
  • Use of obscenity
  • Duplicative or substantially duplicative postings by the same person or entity
  • Postings seeking employment or containing advertisements for a commercial product or service
  • Information posted in violation of law, including libel, condoning or encouraging illegal activity, revealing classified information, or infringing on a copyright or trademark.

While we invite open participation and diverse viewpoints to be shared, the main goal of this challenge is main purpose of Dialogue. Accordingly, moderators reserve the right to remove posts which do not address some aspect of that purpose. We deeply value your time and input, and our desire is to remove as few posts as possible while ensuring that a focused, constructive discussion takes place. This moderation policy is subject to change to address additional matters as may be warranted. If you have a complaint about an item of user-generated content on this site, or feel that your own content was removed in error, please contact us.